I didn't get my Test email
While your personal experience is valid, please remember it may not represent your audience experience.
Different devices and settings can impact how emails are displayed, so always consider the broader audience experience in addition to your own.
Here are common reasons why you may not have received your Test email.
1 Your corporate IT may have blocked it.
2 The Auth setps were not followed (sensorpro.net/auth)
3 You didn't verify the From email address
PS Gmail is the gold standard for inboxing; follow the steps outlined here to check how Gmail reports on your email.
In Gmail. tap the 3 dots on the top right of the message & click 'Show Original'. If setup correctly, GMAIL will show each record as PASS.

Different devices and settings can impact how emails are displayed, so always consider the broader audience experience in addition to your own.
Here are common reasons why you may not have received your Test email.
1 Your corporate IT may have blocked it.
2 The Auth setps were not followed (sensorpro.net/auth)
3 You didn't verify the From email address
PS Gmail is the gold standard for inboxing; follow the steps outlined here to check how Gmail reports on your email.
In Gmail. tap the 3 dots on the top right of the message & click 'Show Original'. If setup correctly, GMAIL will show each record as PASS.

Updated on: 18/01/2025