Articles on: Inboxing

Inbox testing

Will my email look OK on an iPhone? And how will it look in Dark mode?

Though the Preview option in the email designer gives a good indication of how your email will look, it's only an indication.

There are so many different inboxing apps and devices that it can be overwhelming to cater for them all.

For example, some still use very old versions of Outlook or may have images turned off.

Tools like Litmus, and emailonacid can help by emulating how your email will look.

But the only true test is to test with the actual inbox on the actual device.

And you don't need them all.

This list would cover the majority of inboxing apps we see:
1 Gmail on the web
2 Gmail on the iPhone or Android
3 Outlook on the web
4 Outlook on the iPhone or Android

Generally if it renders well on these inboxing apps, it will render well elsewhere.

How to test:
1 Assuming your design is complete and ready to test
2 Proceed to Step 2 in the Campaign and Click the green Add new button
3 Give it a name like test
4 Tick the option Seed list
5 in the box , paste or type a list of emails, you can include up to 15 of them, seperate each email with a comma , or semi-colon ;
6 Click OK and proceed to Step 3 Send email
7 Add a Broadcast and use the new segment you created.
9 Press the Send button using the Green arrow.
10 Physically inspect the email on each device or app then adjust the design as appropriate.
11 Make sure to click every link in the email to verify it goes where you want it to.
12 And if not sure, include on the seed list and ask us to check on the chat

Updated on: 22/09/2023